Saturday, October 13, 2012

Errors in Logic

Stigmatizing a group because of the perceived behavior on one idividual assigned to that group is an error in logic.

Dehumanizing or demonizing a group is an error in logic.

Assuming that disagreement is a personal attack is an error in logic.

Assuming that things will go to hell in a hand basket if someone is elected President is an error in logic.

Assuming God is on your side--barring the Second Coming--is an error in logic.

Fretting about  those 'others' instead of working on the problems facing you is an error in logic.

Be kind to others, love those around you, save a special place in your hearts for animals, laugh often, dance for no reason and sing.  Anything else is an error in logic.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Election Fever

Having to listen to all of the hype about professional politicians--over-rehearsed to a fault--earnestly promoting themselves and sliming their opponents is bad enough.  But, for the next several days, we have to listen to talking heads earnestly discussing 'what it all means'.  Here's a clue, it does not mean a thing.  The only solution was suggested by that brilliant social commentator Davis Barry a number of years ago.  Each politician should be doped to the gills on truth serum before they are allowed to address any audience.