Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The elections are coming!

A good friend of mine posted a poignant complaint on Facebook.  In her post, she lamented the cruelty of so much of what passes for political dialog in this country. And, she was especially upset about the treatment of President Obama.  I do not know who will win the election in November--I am not yet certain who I will vote for.  But, of this I am certain, whoever is elected will face a formidable task and will work very hard to do the best that they can.  I may not be happy with the choices I currently have but they are who they are.  President Obama has tried to solve the problems we face--with scant help from Congress, I might add.  If Romney is elected, he will have the same problems to face and same immature Congress to deal with.  President Obama, if he is re-elected, will still face problems as well, with the additional handicap of being in his second term and thus more marginalized as he serves.  People, if you are upset with the state of our country, realize two things.  First the problems are due more to Congress than they are to the President.  And, second, we keep re-electing the same people who got us into this mess and responding to their negative ads and polarization techniques.  We are responsible for this Congress.

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